
InnerTuning©  is a unique system which introduces and sharpens individual skills for balanced psychospiritual growth. It builds on the ancient Tantric and Vedic traditions of India, enriching contemporary psychology and science in order to meet the needs of modern times. 

Below are some of the most powerful tools of the InnerTuning methods which help you access the subtle energies of your two invisible bodies of feeling and thought and the discovery of the omnipresence of Consciousness.

  • Three - Body Purification Retreats: Involve dietary protocol with the ingestion of bodily cleansers and nutrients. They are designed to remove toxins from all three bodies (physical, subtle, and causal). They may be done individually or with a group. In the latter case, one benefits from the presence of like-minded caring people when painful emotions are released by the purification process. 
  • Dawn Rising: The ancient sages called the 90 minutes before sunrise the "time of the gods". They understood that the purest energy of the day was available at that time and they availed themselves of it. InnerTuning encourages that meditation commence 24 minutes before sunrise.
  •  Practical methods for utilizing the different functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain: Synchronization of the breath with the hemispheres of the brain is also encouraged at dawn or at sunset. The left hemisphere of the brain receives energy from the sun and is the seat of rational thought. The right hemisphere receives energy from the moon and is the seat of our feelings.  Balancing the energy flow in your two brain hemispheres by monitoring your breath. The complimentary Prana Calendar™ is a tool for helping to do this
  •  Suggestions for mindful living:  An emphasis on the human being as both nature and spirit. Use of sound and color, yoga postures, specific sleep postures and proper nutrition. 
  • Knowledge of the ancient Indian metaphysics of sound: The sounds for InnerTuning are produced through vocalizations (mantra) or sustained tones from a stringed instrument of ancient origin (tambura). These sounds maximize the flow of energy to the chakras and produce Surya Akasha (ethereal space). This space quiets the mind and dissolves the blockages. Chanting oneself or listening to specific InnerTuning recordings is an important means to energize and balance the microchakras.
  • Silence: The ancient sages appreciated the value of speech fasts. They would remain silent (mouna) for extended periods of time. Today, there are many practical barriers to obtaining long periods of silence. Nevertheless, InnerTuning advises dwelling in silence as much as possible. It is in silence that our attention may penetrate most deeply within and reveal aspects of ourselves we had not suspected. It is in silence that the three bodies have the greatest opportunity for integration.
  • Devotion: Devotion may be directed toward a personal deity (of any faith) or toward a cause that betters humanity and in which we firmly believe.
  • Observation: Often called "nonattachment”, has been used by various spiritual and psychological approaches to human development. The practice of gaining distance from our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations lead to greater control over them. Uncontrolled fear, anger and greed may be acquired in childhood and remain with us throughout life unless they are systematically weakened. With years of InnerTuning they may even be eliminated as a more serene way of being in the world is gradually acquired.
  • Private consultations for Chakra Analysis: A personalized mantra and individual protocol is prescribed for improved functioning of microchakras. Sri Shyamji will prepare a personal chart of
    the openings and blocks in your 98 microchakras. This is a powerful tool for assisting in your psycho-spiritual development. 
  • Better parenting: Requires doing as much as possible to maximize the opening of the 49 microchakras during the right channel age. More on parenting may be found in Microchakras: InnerTuning for well-Being >by Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar and David Isaacs.