Learn, practice and enjoy powerful healing mantras! Ongoing sacred group sharing (40 min), on Sundays.
**Once purchased, you will be contacted via email within the next 24 hours to schedule the meeting time. The primary focus of the consultation is on your psycho-spiritual growth. Creation of an approximate chart outlining the openings and blockages within your 84 or more microchakras. Various recommendations including the meditation practice with the appropriate mantra, will help you to overcome blocked microchakras.
Extraordinary one-to-one opportunity to consult with Sri Shyamji. **Once purchased, you will be contacted via email within the next 24 hours to schedule the meeting time.
Learn to voice your fundamental note, in-tune with the tambura. This practice of InnerTuning® leads to the discovery of your life's purpose. In-Person or Online.
Sadhna Intensive and Svadhyaya (Self study). Seven days in October or November. The week can begin on a mutual convenient day of the week. For details contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
Seven Friday workshops with Sri Shyamji, the discoverer of Microchakras™. Grasp in-depth the workings of your psyche with Microchakra™ Analisys and InnerTuning® techniques to go beyond the conditioned mind. Upon completion of the 4th chakra Shyamji will continue with the 5th, 6th & 7th chakras. Dates: Aug 23, 30, Sept 6, 20, 27, Oct 11, 18 Note: NO CLASS Oct 4
This 9-day training is the first segment of an 81-day course towards the diploma for Master of InnerTuning® systems. A certification will be provided after completion of each of the nine courses. For details and application contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
Seven Friday workshops with Sri Shyamji, the discoverer of Microchakras™. Grasp in-depth the workings of your psyche with Microchakra™ Analisys and InnerTuning® techniques to go beyond the conditioned mind. Series begins June 14, through August 16.
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
Summer is a perfect time to rejuvenate our fire element; agni tattva. Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud!
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
The Mystery of the Central Channel from the sixth chakra (Ittar Lenga) perspective. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of six Friday workshops begins May 3, through June 7, with the emphasis on the 21 microchakras of vishuddha chakra (5th).
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
The Mystery of the Central Channel from the sixth chakra (Ittar Lenga) perspective. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of six Friday workshops begins March 1, through April 12, with the emphasis on the 21 microchakras of anahata chakra (4th). For registration read more.
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals.
Spring is an ideal time to purify our three bodies and prepare for new incentives to capture more life. Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud or in-person in Marina Del Rey, near the Pacific Ocean (limited beds available).
This workshop is open to all who are interested but please note it is specifically designed for the continued education of licensed mental health professionals. 6.25 C.E. credits available. In Person at Prescott College Arizona, or Live on Zoom. The last hour is dedicated to a special offering with Sri Shyamji. (not for credit)
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
The Mystery of the Central Channel from the sixth chakra perspective. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of six Friday workshops begins Dec 1, through Jan 26. (NO CLASS ON Dec 15 & 29, and Jan 19!) 10:30 am - 12:00 am (PST), with the emphasis on the 21 microchakras of manipura chakra (3rd). For registertration read more.
Sadhna Intensive and Svadhyaya (Self study). In Sunny Marina Del Rey at the Grand Pacaific Ocean. Choose your own week. For details contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
The winter is an ideal time to hibernate and rejuvenate. Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud. You may request the discount for economic hardship. Contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
Use your breath to uplift your spirit. Path to higher dimensions. Three lectures by Shyamji on Svar Yoga. On Saturday December 9, from 6am - noon PST / 9am - 3pm EST / 3pm - 9pm Europe time
Marcia's New Journey started on Monday the 6th of November. Medical examiners declared her departures from the Earth Plane last Monday.
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sounds of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
The Mystery of the Central Channel from the sixth chakra perspective. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of five Friday workshops begins Oct 13, through Nov 17. (NO CLASS on Oct 20!) 10:30 am - 12:00 am (PST), with the emphasis on the 21 microchakras of svadhisthan chakra (2nd). For registration read more.
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sound of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud. You may request the discount for economic hardship. Contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
The Mystery of the Central Channel. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of five Friday workshops begins Aug 25, through Sept 22. 10:30 am - 12:00 am PST, with the emphasis on the 21 microchakras of muladhar chakra (1st).
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation, repeating special sounds of chakras after Shyamji. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps you in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sound of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation -- repeating special sounds after the Teacher. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps one in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sound of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
A system that has helped over 50,000 people in their psycho-spiritual growth and it can also help you! Join Sri Shyamji to experience his presence and the healing sounds of mantras while understanding the workings of the mind.
Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud. You may request the discount for economic hardship. Contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation -- repeating special sounds after the Teacher. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps one in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sound of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
An integrative presentation on Microchakras™ and Sushumna. Offered by Sri Shyamji 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST / 7:00pm Paris Time
Facilities include a hot water spa and a swimming pool in a gated property. A short drive to the beach. Luxury car will be available for your errants, beach and park visits. Maximum capacity is 4 people.
This course is for those who hold Facial Innertuning® Practitioner certification. Due to the pandemic some of you were not able to complete the part of Innertuning® Specialist. You are invited to submit your application to enroll for a two weeks workshop in Prescott, AZ. Dates: from May 1 - 15, 2023. Total charges for room, board and training: $3950. Please contact workshop leader Professor Galeet Farrow: galeet@chakrainstitute.com
The Practice of Gayatri Aarti… an intuitive way to bliss. Teachings for InnerTuning® Offered by Sri Shyamji. A series on five Fridays,* March 10 through April 7, 2023
Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud, and for a few participants in-person.
Learn to use Your Voice to create a calming space leading to a state of meditation -- repeating special sounds after the Teacher. Eliminate unwanted conditioning that keeps one in bondage. Freedom from thought is bliss. You will learn the sound of chakras and mantras that help produce nitric oxide in the brain, enhancing dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other beneficial chemicals
Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud, and for a few participants in-person.
The Practice of Sarasvati Aarti. A creative way to Ecstacy. Teachings for InnerTuning® with Sri Shyamji. Series of five Friday’s begins Jan 6th, through Feb 3rd, 2023.
Five Sunday classes InnerTuning® Massage is a combination of special techniques for directing the light of the chakras to the head, neck and shoulders, with soft touch, accompanied by subtle sounds composed by Sri Shyamji.
Sadhna Intensive and Svadhyaya (Self study). In Sunny Marina Del Rey at the Grand Pacaific Ocean. Choose your own week. For details contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Experience 5 days with SRI SHYAMJI to open the doors to higher dimensions, leading to the real bliss of life! Online from the comfort of your home, with the freedom to chant out loud!
Initiation Ceremonies Training near the Pacific Ocean in beautiful Marina del Rey, CA.
How to raise an emotionally healthy baby using simple practices with Sri Shyamji. Most every psychologist agrees the first 3 years of life is when the basis of your personality is formed. Understanding this through the lens of Microchakra™ Psychology, we can raise our babies to feel secure, unafraid, and confident.
Experience the Light and Sound of Yourself Mantra Meditation Concert & Microchakra Psychology with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar at South Park Yoga
For 5 fridays we will make a trip to Manipura Chakra dimension and experience the FORCE that resides in all of us to refine our EGO. Enroll now!
The Light of the Chakras and the Joy of Life. A very experiential workshop with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar at Yoga Arts, San Diego. September 24th & 25th Information at www.yogaarts.com
For 5 fridays from may 13th to june 10th Experience the opening of the Heart. Unconditional love and compassion will flower by the ancient practice of Raam Aarti.
Sadhna Intensive and Svadhyaya (Self study). In Sunny Marina Del Rey at the Grand Pacaific Ocean. Choose your own week. For details contact: admin@chakrainstitute.com
Experience the Light and Sound of Yourself. Interactive Mantra Meditation Concert with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar at Chacana Spiritual Center. Love donation!
4 Fridays: February 4, 11, 18, 25 Experience the contentment in the 7th microchakras in all the seven chakra minds with the ancient practice of SHIVA Aarti. Realize the divinity within...
Purification of thinking (the Causal Body) through Sarasvati Tantra - CHITA SHUDDHI
Hanuman Chalisa (40 verses) will be taught during this course. Fear drains energy. Hanuman represents a latent power that we all possess, which can resolve conflicts and fears. Chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa – the forty verses - offer strength with wisdom. This power resides in the second chakra, with its element being water.